Homeschooling also called independent homeschooling or elective homeschooling is the schooling of school-age children at home or in a number of locations other than the traditional school, such as a home, a friend’s house, or a vacation spot. The parents who home school their children prefer to educate their children at their own pace, so they may decide to home school their children on their own schedule. Parents who home school their children are very passionate about the subject and have spent years studying the subject and trying to obtain the appropriate certifications. Not only do they want their children to receive the highest level of academic excellence, but also they want them to be well rounded, and to become responsible, self-aware citizens when they grow up. If you are considering homeschooling your children, there are some important things that you should know before you get started.
Why Home School?
First of all, it’s important to understand the definition of being homeschooled. The difference between homeschooled children and those who attend public or private schools is that both groups are required to take various standardized tests and remain in the classroom throughout the day. While some parents who home school their children view this as an unnecessary intrusion into their children’s lives, others feel that it allows their children to develop better cognitive skills and more efficient study habits.
So what exactly does homeschooling consist of? In many cases, parents who home school their children will elect to teach them at least part of the traditional curriculum. In some cases, they may choose to supplement that traditional teaching with additional classes offered through a home school association or some other affiliation. Common subjects that are taught in homeschooling settings include mathematics, history, English, science, and social studies. Some parents who home school their children also teach religious studies or even foreign languages. Regardless of the specific subject that the child is taught about, the educational level that the child reaches depends on the amount of time and effort that the parent is willing to invest in the child’s education.
The decision that parents have to make regarding whether or not to enrol their children in traditional public or private schools is a difficult one. Some parents feel strongly that their children need more socialization and exposure to other cultures, believing that the natural progression of young children is toward dependence on their family unit. Other parents, feeling as if they want their children to receive only the best in education, prefer private schools because they believe that private schools generally do a better job of serving their students and it is worth the investment.
These are two sides of the coin, though. Many parents who home school their children both feel as though they get a better education and enjoy a closer relationship with their children than their public school children. On the other hand, some of the students who are not in public schools may feel as though they miss out on social interaction with other students. It really depends on what you feel as you sort through the pros and cons of homeschooling. Which is best for you?